Rubber duckbill valve manufacturers

In the river transportation of goods by barges, many barges are pushed by one tug. To avoid the constant friction of metals, JUAN RONCAGLIA SAIC produces two types of defenses 1-metal plates with rubber in different sizes to be welded in the front of the tug 2-Multilayered rubber reinforced with textil insertion, fenders. These fenders are employed all over the world for this application.

In the river transportation of goods by barges, many barges are pushed by one tug. To avoid the constant friction of metals, JUAN RONCAGLIA SAIC produces defenses multilayered rubber reinforced with textil insertion, fenders. These fenders are employed all over the world for this application.

Roncaglia weld on bumpers are used to protect push tugboats and other structure from damage caused by the constant friction between the tug and barge
Roncaglia produces standard dimentions weld on bumpers, as well as parts according the customer request
All these products are manufactured with high wear and environmetal resistant rubber.
The rubber bonded to steel base plate has a bond stregth higher than the tensile strength of the rubber.

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Calle 39 N° 2067 Villa Maipú
San Martín
Buenos Aires - R. Argentina
Phone: (54-11) 4753-1201
Fax: (54-11) 4752-0830

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The most important steel manufacture argentine company has employed the RONCAGLIA® SLEEVE for steel sheets coils winder and de-winder mandrels, since more than 30 years in his five plants.
The use of this rubber sleeve, allows:
1-to protect the steel sheet, the defects caused by the metallic mandrel, on the first loops. When a metallic mandrel is opened against the thin metallic sheets, usually a typical mark has been place, on the first loops, these loops have been rejected.
2-to replace metallic supplements for different I.D. coils. When it is necessary to produce coils with different internal diameters, the use of Roncaglia® rubber sleeve, instead of such heavy’s metallic supplements, assures faster and safer installation.
3-to protect mechanical mandrel systems. When you use Roncaglia® rubber sleeve, you have an additional advantage; you are protecting the mandrel mechanisms from dust, which can affect the normal operation.